Friday, February 22, 2008

Sensory Profile Factors


Ermer, J. & Dunn, W. (1998). The sensory profile: a discriminant analysis of children with and without disabilities. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 52, 283-290.

Here is an older study done in Kansas that looks at the factors (1-9) in the Sensory Profile for positive correlations to autism and ADHD. (The authors note that this process can be done for other disabilities, as well. I vote for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome!)

ADHD can be distinguished by high scores in Factors 1 and 5, sensory seeking and inattention/distractibilty and low scores in factors 4 and 9, oral sensitivity and fine motor perceptual.

Autism can be distinguished by high scores in Factors 4, 5 and 9, sensory seeking, inattention/distractibilty and oral sensitivity and low scores in factor 4, fine motor perceptual.

The study results had a statistical error, the assumption of homogeneity of variance was violated for the control group, and so these results must be used conservatively.

Questions for research:
1. Will these results pass muster on a larger population?
2. What does the factor profile look like for FAS, ODD, CD, etc.?

1 comment:

songz link said...

This was lovely, thanks for sharing this